0131 476 3994


Scotland's Housing Network

Scotland’s Housing Network

Scotland’s Housing Network is a membership organisation for local authority and housing association landlords.  Basestation were appointed to deliver a digital solution that would allow members access to gated content and repond to member only events. The membership is powered by Microsoft Dynamics and access is controlled via SSO (single sign on) using Azure Active Directory.

Bringing the project to life

Brand Refresh
User Research
Sketching and wireframes
Custom Wordpress build
API Integrations
Single Sign On (SSO)

Brand Refresh

As part of the redevelopment of the website, Basestation undertook a brand refresh to ensure their brand would perform on digital platforms, in particular mobile. To facilitate this update the logo was abbreviated to the initial characters of the name – they are known as SHN in common parlance so it made sense to shorten the title to ensure legibility on all platforms.

Key Features


Content is tagged and delivered for relevant groups: Local Authorities (LA) and Registered Social Landlords (RSL).

Single Sign On

Site access for gated member content is controlled via Azure Active Directory (AD).


We built a custom API connector to pull event information and allow members to RSVP to events to and from MS Dynamics with attendees


Custom WordPress build and template to deliver front facing information as well as members based gated content.

User Experience

There are two distinct user groups, Local Authorities and Registered Social landlords. It was key that we allowed users to identify which content was of interest to them via communities of practice.

Ongoing Support

Basestation are providing ongoing support and development of the platform

Website & Integrations

The platform chosen to develop the site was WordPress, a primary requirement was ease of use for SHN admin teams and with the widespread use of WordPress their team felt confident using ths platform.

A key element of the development was integrating the site with their CRM Microsoft Dymanics using Azure AD to control Single Sign On (SSO). Working with Bridgeall the Microsoft delivery partner Basestation built an integration to verify users and deliver event content via the CRM and allow users to respond to invites to attend events.

Get in touch with the team to discuss your idea, project or business.